Joining in with #MakersHour

A screen shot of the @GuildOfMakers #MakersHour questions. The questions will be repeated in the blog text below.

This week I decided to join in with the @GuildOfMakers #MakersHour on Social Media. It is on Wednesday evening at 8pm UK time. Here are the questions and my responses. I hope you find them interesting.

A screen shot of the @GuildOfMakers #MakersHour questions. The questions will be repeated in the blog text below.
@GuildOfMakers #MakersHour questions 5th May 2020.

Question 1: Welcome to #MakersHour with your host @tanurai! Firstly, who are you and what have you made, altered, or fixed this week?

A1: #MakersHour Hello, I am Harriet and I am a designer/maker in wood. This week I have made my new home in the design room above my workshop. I have also made a couple of bedside cabinets from offcuts of pine furniture board. And here is a tree trunk table I made recently.

Harriet is sitting on the edge of her bed and pointing at the bedside cabinet
I made two of these this week
Harriet is sitting in her bedsit at a round glass table. The base of the table is a large skewed log. There are two white Panton chairs, Harriet is sitting on one.
I sometimes make tables like this.

Question 2: Comfort making. I have been doing a lot of it. What make or process soothes your mind? #MakersHour

A2: #MakersHour I enjoy reading, usually making and design, but also sci-fi. Otherwise I will pop into the workshop and make something sculptural or arty from some scrap and off cuts. I also enjoy walking around the garden railway.

Question 3: Ever since I was a kid, I have been most excited by handmade gifts (except that poncho, we won’t talk about that). What’s a handmade thing that you have been given that you want to show off? #MakersHour

A3: #MakersHour Last week I received this beautiful wire tree sculpture as a gift from my friend @TwystedRoots. I think it is just so beautiful in its glass display jar, and looks lovely in my bedroom.

Harriet is sitting on the edge of her bed pointing at a copper wire and bead tree sculpture inside a large glass jar that is on her bedside cabinet.
The lovely Clair of @TwystedRoots sent me this.

Question 4: What can you do with a piece of A4 paper? (There’s no punchline, I am just curious.) My kid showed me how to do this. (There will be a gif.) #MakersHour

A4: #MakersHour A paper aeroplane? Though an invoice to a client would be more useful. I’m going to have a go at making, ummm, errr, a fish, for Tanya Fish!

Harriet is sitting at her glass table with a pile of A4 paper and a pencil
Hmmm, what can I make from an A4 sheet?
Harriet is sitting at her glass table. She is holding a paper origami fish.
I folded a fish!

Question 5: There is a lot of sitting and watching telly going on. Which making related TV, streaming, or films would you recommend? #MakersHour

A5: #MakersHour Oh I do love watching Anne of all Trades on YouTube, both for her making and also her small holding. Her goats always make me think of my friend @WalesGoats.

Question 6: Isolation is a bit rubbish. Draw/describe an imaginary workshop friend to keep us all company. #MakersHour

A6: #MakersHour Imaginary workshop friends? I have the miniature characters on the Landlord’s garden railway, I do talk to them while I am working, silly really but it’s fun giving little inanimate figures a personality, and often nicer then real people.

Harriet is in the garden railway indicting three of the human figures and a goat figure next to the pond.
It is fun pretending a chat with this lot.
Harriet is looking up at a tree on the garden railway. There is a large goat in the tree!
Oi! Get down from there!

Well, that was the hour. I hope you enjoyed it. Do have a look at the #MakersHour hashtag on Social Media to see other questions and answers from other makers over the weeks.