Making a platform…

arriet is carrying the platform and walking across the tarmac in the garden railway. There is rail track laid on the ground, with chalked writing and a white wall structure in the back ground.

I have started on the pond dipping platform for the garden railway. A couple of off cuts of 4×2 and some 12 x 60mm planks. They should scale to about 36 x 180mm boards for the platform. Plenty strong enough for the plastic figures.

Harriet is at her bench with a couple of short pieces of four by two timber, and some thin plank of wood. Her tenon saw is nearby.
These bits will do.

How many of these do I need to cut?

Harriet is about to saw a plank that is resting on her bench hook. There is a pile of short planks on the bench already cut.
I’ve lost count…

That’s made and nailed!
I added an extra beam to support it in the middle as I am bound to have to stand on it myself at some point!

Harriet is holding her hammer resting on the little pond dipping platform on her bench. There is a try square, wood shavings and sawdust.
Tappity tap, all done!
Harriet has turned the platform over showing the beams underneath to support the planks.
That’ll be stronger.

Righto, lets get this out there for a trial fit….

Harriet is carrying the wooden platform and walking out through the back door of the workshop.
And out we go…

Mind the rails!
Trip hazard, and I don’t want to damage them.

arriet is carrying the platform and walking across the tarmac in the garden railway. There is rail track laid on the ground, with chalked writing and a white wall structure in the back ground.
Mind the tracks!

Hello again you two!
Don’t mind me, I’m just putting the pond dipping platform in place. (And talking to two miniature plastic women!)

Harriet is bending over the edge of the dry, plastic planted, pond setting the platform in place. Two one third scale women figures are on the paving ‘watching’.
Hi again, you two!

The pond is looking good though, and the platform fits.