Picture frames

Harriet is holding a framed poster. The poster shows crossed spanners in wings. The writing says: “Curious enough to take it apart. Skilled enough to put it back together. Clever enough to hide the extra parts when I’m done!”

Sorry I have been a little quiet, this lock down has made things a bit more difficult so I have been updating my blog.

But a delivery has arrived today and I need to do a little woodwork.

Harriet is standing at her workbench. There are some long thin timbers, her tenon saw, square, adjustable bevel, bench hook, tape measure and pencil on the bench.
Now, what was that old saying…

I am mitering this timber to make some frames.

Harriet is sawing forty five degree mitres in the timber. There is a small pile of pieces and off cuts.
Measure twice, cut once…

I have twelve bits to cut for three frames.
Must make sure they are accurate.

Harriet is still cutting mitres. The pile of cut pieces has increased.
Cut how many times was that?

There we go, that’s the first one done.

That quote is so ‘me’!

Harriet is holding a framed poster. The poster shows crossed spanners in wings. The writing says: “Curious enough to take it apart. Skilled enough to put it back together. Clever enough to hide the extra parts when I’m done!”
I don’t usually end up with spare parts though. Not usually!

Three frames made. Now to put them up.
If I just bang a nail in about here…

Harriet is at the wall at the back of her workshop between the door and her band saw. She is holding a hammer in the air. There are two framed prints leaning against the wall.
Tappity tap.

Well, the boring, but essential, Health and Safety at Work posters are up, and my fun quote is up too.

Harriet is looking at the poster of the quote on the wall to the left of her band saw. The two Health and Safety posters are on the right of the band saw.
There we go, better then BuTac.

And the rest of the delivery?
Fire safety notices!
They are important though so I’ll put them up where needed.

Harriet is sticking up a Fire Call Point notice next to the fire alarm ‘break glass’ point. There is also a new luminous Fire Exit sign over the door.
Self adhesive, that easy!